
来源:未知  时间:2020-08-03

1. All is well here. We will get back to you with more information about this requirement shortly. 一切都好,根据您的要求我们会很快反馈给您更多的信息。


①All is well 对应How are you的回答。一切都好。

②get back to sb. 回复某人

③shortly=soon 不久,立刻

2. We will keep you posted about the status. 我们会通知你最新进展。

keep sb. posted about sth. 通知某人最新消息

3. This is our price list, but it serves as a guide line only.


① serve as 起...作用,充当。不用被动语态。

② guide line only=for your reference 仅供参考

4.  Unfortunately, our stock is exhausted.


①  Unfortunately代替sorry 位于句首,表示遗憾,抱歉

②  stock is exhausted代替be out ofstock表示已无库存

③  关于stock的外贸短语扩展,be in stock有货,be over stock滞销

同样的表达有keep you informed about the updated progress

5.  As soon as fresh supply of raw material comes in, we will reach you.一旦原材料的新货源到,我们会联系你。

①  As soon as 一….就

②  fresh supply新货源 例如新鲜供应的樱桃fresh supplyof cherries

③  raw material原材料

④  come in 来到

  reach sb. 与某人联系

6. Please accept my apology for the late reply. 抱歉,回复晚了。

accept one's apology for sth. 为某事致歉


①Sorry for the late reply.

②Sorry for the late update.

③Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner.