Forging Ahead on the New Journey toward a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind——秦刚国务委员兼外长在中国发展高层论坛2023年会午餐会上的演讲– Speech by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang at the Luncheon of the China Development Forum 2023 Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, March 27, 2023大家中午好!很高兴出席中国发展高层论坛。一年之计在于春,大家在春意盎然的北京,一定感受到了中国发展的澎湃活力、蓬勃生机。这两天我会见了很多老朋友,结识了不少新朋友。大家都告诉我,中国与疫情前没有太大变化,还是充满生机与活力,还是致力于改革和开放。我认为大家有这样的感觉说明不虚此行。中国走上充满光荣与梦想的新征程,光荣与梦想属于中国,也属于世界。今天,我借此机会向大家介绍中国外交,谈一谈中国怎么看待世界、怎么处理同世界的关系。Good afternoon. I am delighted to attend the China Development Forum (CDF). As the saying goes, “A good start in spring is essential to a whole year’s success.” Meeting here in Beijing on this beautiful spring day must have given you a chance to feel the dynamism and vitality of China’s development. I met a lot of old friends and established many new contacts in the past two days. They all told me that China is not that different from before the pandemic, and it is still full of vigor and remains committed to reform and opening-up. I believe this impression alone has made their visit worthwhile. China has embarked on a new journey of glory and dreams which belong as much to China as to the world. Here, I wish to address China’s diplomacy: how China sees the world and how it handles its relations with the world.十年前,面对深刻的世界之变、时代之变、历史之变,习近平主席创造性地提出了构建人类命运共同体这一重要理念,为中国外交提供了思想指引和行动指南。Ten years ago, facing the profound changes of the world, of our times, and of the historical trajectory, President Xi Jinping put forth the ingenious and important vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, providing the guidance for the thinking and actions of China’s diplomacy.十年来,构建人类命运共同体从理念转化为行动、从愿景转变为现实,为维护世界和平稳定提供了重要支柱,为促进全球发展注入了强劲动力。越来越多国家认识到,人类命运应该由各国共同掌握,国际规则应该由各国共同书写,全球事务应该由各国共同治理,发展成果应该由各国共同分享。实践证明,人类命运共同体理念反映了世界人民的普遍诉求,代表了人类社会发展进步的正确方向。Over the past ten years, building a community with a shared future for mankind has been turned from a concept into action, and a vision into reality. It has served as a key pillar for world peace and stability and a strong driving force for global development. More and more countries have realized that the future of humanity should be in the hands of all countries, international rules should be written together by all, global affairs should be jointly handled by all, and development benefits should be shared by all. Practices have proved that the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind reflects the common aspiration of the whole world and represents the right direction of human progress.十年后的今天,世界仍不太平。人类刚刚走出新冠疫情的阴霾,但又面临前所未有的多重危机和挑战。经济复苏步履维艰,发展鸿沟不断拉大,热点问题此起彼伏,地缘冲突不断加剧,全球发展进程严重倒退,至今仍有超过8亿人挨饿、7亿人缺电、2亿人失业、1亿人沦为难民和流离失所者。更令人担忧的是,有的国家为了维护霸权私利,挑动意识形态矛盾对立,制造“脱钩断链”,构建“小院高墙”,甚至要复活“冷战”,分裂世界。Ten years on, the world is still not tranquil. We humankind, barely emerging from the pandemic, are confronted again with unprecedented multiple crises and challenges – the faltering economic recovery, a widening development gap, ceaseless hot-spot issues, intensifying geopolitical conflicts, and severe regression in the global development process. There are still over 800 million people living in hunger, 700 million without electricity, 200 million without jobs, and 100 million refugees and displaced. Even more distressingly, some country, in order to maintain its hegemony and out of selfish interests, has been stoking tensions and confrontation along the ideological line, seeking decoupling, disrupting supply chains, erecting high fences around small yards, and even attempting to resurrect the Cold War and tear the world apart.面对危机,唯有同舟共济,才能转危为安。面对困境,唯有团结一心,才能共渡难关。人类命运共同体吹响团结的号角,汇聚合作的力量,照亮前行的方向。Faced with these crises, only partnership can save the day. Only solidarity can help us overcome the difficulties. The vision of a community with a shared future for mankind is a clarion call for solidarity, and will pool strength for cooperation and light up the way forward.人类命运共同体为世界消弭安全赤字提供了中国方案。面对动荡不安的国际局势,习近平主席郑重提出了全球安全倡议,倡导走出一条对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟、共赢而非零和的新型安全之路。倡议体现了人类命运共同体理念的核心要义,尊重各国主权,尊重各国合理安全关切,尊重联合国宪章原则,反对恃强凌弱,反对干涉内政,反对霸权主义和强权政治,推动构建持久和平、普遍安全的世界。The vision of a community with a shared future for mankind provides China’s proposals for addressing the security deficit in the world. In the face of a turbulent international landscape, President Xi put forth the Global Security Initiative (GSI), advocating a new path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. The GSI embodies the core tenets in the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. It respects the sovereignty and legitimate security concerns of all countries and the principles of the UN Charter. It opposes the strong bullying the weak, interference in others’ internal affairs, hegemonism and power politics. It endeavors to build a world of lasting peace and common security.本月初,在中国推动下,沙特与伊朗实现历史性和解,为地区国家通过对话协商化解矛盾分歧、实现睦邻友好树立了典范。可以说,沙伊握手言和的一小步,也是人类跨越冲突、实现和解的一大步。Earlier this month, thanks to the facilitation by China, a historic reconciliation was reached between Saudi Arabia and Iran, setting an example for the efforts of regional countries to resolve disagreements and differences through dialogue and consultation, and realize good neighborliness and friendship. The rapprochement between the two countries might be a small step. But it is a leap in the effort of humanity to rise above conflict and achieve reconciliation.前不久,中国发表了《关于政治解决乌克兰危机的中国立场》,其核心就是劝和促谈、政治解决。上周,习近平主席成功对俄罗斯进行国事访问,俄方欢迎立场文件中阐述的建设性主张,中方赞赏俄方重申致力于尽快重启和谈。此前,我还同乌克兰外长通话,乌方认为中方立场文件体现了推动停火止战的诚意。我们高兴地看到,历史的天平正在改变,越来越多国家站到和平的一边,站到对话的一边,站到历史正确的一边。China recently issued its Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. At the heart of China’s position is a call for talks to achieve peace and political settlement. Last week, President Xi Jinping paid a successful state visit to Russia. Russia welcomed the constructive propositions in the position paper, and China expressed appreciation over Russia reaffirming its commitment to restarting peace talks as soon as possible. Before the visit, I spoke with the Ukrainian foreign minister on the phone. Ukraine believes that China’s position paper reflects a sincerity for promoting a ceasefire. We are glad to see that the balance of history is tipping, as more and more countries choose to stand for peace, for dialogue, and on the right side of history.人类命运共同体为世界摆脱发展困境提供了中国动能。今天的中国经济,同世界经济深度互嵌、多维耦合。中国已成为140多个国家和地区的主要贸易伙伴,对世界经济增长的平均贡献率连续十年超过30%。每分钟,价值约8000万元的货物在中国与世界间吞吐;每小时,中国对外直接投资约1.12亿元;每天,价值约33.77亿元的外商投资流入中国。《世界开放报告2022》显示,过去13年间,在全球129个主要经济体中,中国对外开放指数排名从第62位上升到第39位。The vision of a community with a shared future for mankind provides a driving force for the world to get out of the development conundrum. Today, the Chinese economy is deeply embedded into the world economy in all areas. China is the main trading partner of over 140 countries and regions, and has contributed over 30 percent of global growth on average for 10 years in a row. Every minute, goods worth 80 million yuan are traded between China and the world; every hour, China makes some 112 million yuan in outbound direct investment; and every day, 3.377 billion yuan worth of foreign investment flows into China. The World Openness Report 2022 shows that through the past 13 years, China’s ranking in the World Openness Index has moved up from the 62nd to the 39th out of 129 major economies of the world.人类命运共同体致力于建设共同繁荣的世界,在谋求本国发展中促进各国共同发展。当前,中国经济呈现企稳回升的良好态势。今年头两个月,中国出口规模创历史同期新高,全国实际使用外资金额同比增长6.1%。国际机构纷纷上调今年中国经济增长预期。我们自己的预期目标是增长5%左右,这将远远高于其他主要经济体。如果我们能够实现这一预期目标,这就意味着中国将为今年全球经济增长贡献三分之一。随着中国超大规模市场优势和内需潜力持续释放,必将给世界各国经济恢复发展带来新的更大机遇。The vision of a community with a shared future for mankind is about building a world of shared prosperity and promoting common development of all countries through every country’s development. The Chinese economy is stabilizing and picking up with good momentum. In the first two months in 2023, China’s exports hit a record high in year-on-year terms, and paid-in investment rose by 6.1 percent. A number of international institutions have revised up their growth forecasts for China this year. We expect our growth this year to be around 5 percent, significantly higher than other major economies. If we can meet this target, we would contribute one-third of global growth this year. As the dividends of China’s supersize market and domestic demand continue to manifest, new greater opportunities will be created for the recovery and growth of other economies.我注意到参加今天活动的有来自美国、欧洲、亚洲各国的朋友。当前,中美关系正处于两国建交以来的历史低点。出现当前困局,根源在于美方将中国视为最主要战略竞争对手和最重大地缘政治挑战,对中国大搞经济脱钩、科技围堵。阻断别人的路,也会让自己无路可走,遏制中国的发展,也会让美国甚至世界陷入停滞。历史告诉未来,中美应该且完全可以相互成就、共同发展。I see in today’s audience friends from the United States, Europe and Asia. The China-US relationship is at a low point since the diplomatic ties began. The root cause of this difficult situation is the US perception of China as its primary strategic competitor and most consequential geopolitical challenge, as well as its extensive actions of economic decoupling and technological suppression. Those blocking the path of others will get themselves in a dead end, and containing China’s development will halt the progress of the US and even the world. History stands as proof that China and the US should and can help each other succeed and achieve development together.在这里,给大家讲两个工厂的故事。一个是特斯拉上海超级工厂,这家工厂45秒下线一台车,今年2月就交付了7.4万辆,在中国新能源车市场销量靠前。另一个是福耀玻璃美国工厂,我在美国工作期间曾经去那里参访过。这是全球最大的汽车玻璃单体工厂,在当地直接创造了近2000个工作岗位,整条供应链上贡献了6000个岗位。这两个工厂里,“中国制造”和“美国制造”并没有发生你输我赢、你死我活,在生产技术、管理理念的融合、切磋、碰撞中,迸发出的是中美两国相互借鉴、互利共赢的火花。Take two factories as an example. The first, Tesla’s gigafactory in Shanghai. A car rolls off the assembly line every 45 seconds. The factory delivered 74,000 cars in February alone, selling more new energy vehicles in China than most automakers. The second is Fuyao Glass America, which I visited during my posting in the US. It is the biggest auto glass manufacturing plant in the world, and has created close to 2,000 direct local jobs and 6,000 supply chain jobs. In these two factories, we don’t see a zero-sum game of “Made in China” vs. “Made in USA”. Instead, through interactions on manufacturing technologies and management philosophies, we see a highlight of mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win between China and the United States.人类命运共同体为世界避免文明冲突提供了中国智慧。早在数千年前,中国的古人就已明白“万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖”的道理,倡导“己欲利而利人,己欲达而达人”。面对日益分裂的世界,中国始终坚持海纳百川,推动交流互鉴,打破偏见私利的鸿沟壁垒,以兼收并蓄的态度汲取其他文明的养分,以天下为公的胸襟分享中国式现代化的经验。The vision of a community with a shared future for mankind offers Chinese wisdom on preventing clash of civilizations. The Chinese realized as early as thousands of years ago that “All living things grow in harmony without harming one another; and all ways run parallel without interfering with one another,” and advocated that “A man pursuing his own success should also help others succeed.” With an inclusive mindset, China always promotes exchanges and mutual learning in this increasingly divided world to break down barriers of prejudice and selfishness. With an open mind, China always draws on the strengths of other civilizations. And with a broad vision for the common good of mankind, China always shares with others its experience in promoting Chinese modernization.不久前,习近平主席提出了全球文明倡议,强调要共同倡导尊重世界文明多样性、弘扬全人类共同价值、重视文明传承和创新、加强国际人文交流合作。全球文明倡议的提出,进一步丰富和拓展了构建人类命运共同体的实践路径,有力回击了“文明优越论”、“文明冲突论”,为推动不同文明和衷共济、和谐共生,互尊互敬、互谅互让提供了重要遵循。Just weeks ago, President Xi Jinping put forth the Global Civilization Initiative, calling for joint efforts to advocate the respect for the diversity of civilizations, the common values of humanity, the importance of inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and robust international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. The Initiative has further diversified and expanded practical pathways toward a community with a shared future for mankind. It is a strong rebuttal to notions such as superiority of certain civilizations and clash of civilizations. The Initiative serves as an important guide for advancing unity, harmony, mutual respect and mutual understanding among different civilizations.民主是人类文明的重要价值。民主不是某个国家的专利,世界上没有放之四海而皆准的制度或模式,各国有权选择符合自己国情的发展道路。渲染所谓“民主对抗威权”,本身就是不民主,只会给世界造成分裂和对抗。Democracy is an important value of human civilization. It is not a prerogative of a certain country, there is no one-size-fits-all system or model for democracy, and every country is entitled to choose a development path suited to its national conditions. Hyping up the so-called “democracy vs. authoritarianism” narrative is in itself undemocratic, and will only create division and confrontation in the world.今年是全面贯彻落实中共二十大精神的开局之年。就在这个月初,中国全国两会胜利闭幕,选举出了新一届国家领导人并对今年各项工作作出部署。中国保持政策的连续性,保持发展的稳健性,为推动构建人类命运共同体提供新契机、新能量。This year is the first year for fully implementing the guiding principles set out at the 20th CPC National Congress. Earlier this month, China has concluded the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. A new leadership was elected, and plans were made for our various undertakings in 2023. China will keep its policies consistent and its development steady to provide new opportunities and energy for building a community with a shared future for mankind.我们将始终不渝坚持相互尊重,促进大国协调和良性互动,同各国发展友好合作。坚决反对单边主义,反对冷战思维,反对一切阵营化和排他性“小圈子”。全面落实全球安全倡议,积极参与全球安全规则制定,积极劝和促谈、斡旋调停,践行中国特色热点问题解决之道,同各方携手推动构建兼顾各方诉求、包容各方利益的国际和区域安全格局。China will stay firmly committed to mutual respect, pursue coordination and sound interactions among major countries, and grow friendship and cooperation with all countries. We firmly oppose unilateralism, the Cold War mentality, and all exclusive and bloc-based “small circles”. We will fully implement the Global Security Initiative, and take an active part in the making of global security rules. We will facilitate talks for peace, provide good offices and mediation, offer Chinese solutions to hotspot issues, and work with all sides to put in place a security architecture in the region and around the world that addresses the aspirations and accommodates the interests of all sides.我们将始终不渝坚持合作共赢,持续推进高质量发展和高水平对外开放,维护全球产业链供应链稳定顺畅运行。更好推进全球发展倡议合作,为发展中国家加快落实2030年可持续发展议程汇聚最大合力。今年我们将举办第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,愿以此为契机,与共建伙伴共话友谊,共谋发展,把这条造福世界、惠及人类的“幸福路”铺得更宽更远。China will stay firmly committed to win-win cooperation, press ahead with high-quality development and high-standard opening-up, and keep global industrial and supply chains stable and smooth. We will better advance cooperation under the Global Development Initiative to foster the greatest synergy for developing countries to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This year, China will host the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We will use this opportunity to renew friendship and advance development with Belt and Road partners and to expand and extend this “road to happiness” that benefits the world and humanity.我们将始终不渝坚持公平正义,坚持共商共建共享的全球治理观,维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,捍卫国际法的尊严,积极推进国际关系民主化,不断扩大发展中国家在国际社会中的代表性和发言权,推动全球治理朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。我们还将努力提供更多国际公共产品,与世界各国人民团结合作、协调行动,携手应对全球性挑战。China will stay firmly committed to fairness and justice, follow the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, defend the dignity of international law, promote greater democracy in international relations, increase the representation and say of developing countries in the international community, and work for fairer and more equitable global governance. We will also provide more international public goods, and cooperate and coordinate with people of all countries to address global challenges.我们将始终不渝坚持开放包容,弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,倡导尊重各国人民自主选择的发展道路和社会制度,反对把本国价值观强加于人,反对高人一等的所谓“民主自由”,反对唯我独尊的所谓“普世价值”。我们将同各方携手落实全球文明倡议,推动不同文明交流沟通、包容互鉴,推动各国民心相通、相知、相亲,让世界文明的大花园里百花齐放、姹紫嫣红。China will stay firmly committed to openness and inclusiveness, carry forward humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. We advocate respect for the development paths and social systems chosen independently by people of different countries, reject the imposition of a country’s own values on others, and oppose the so-called superior model of “democracy and freedom” and the self-important “universal values”. We will work with all sides to implement the Global Civilization Initiative, advocate exchanges, communication, inclusiveness and mutual learning among civilizations, and bolster mutual understanding and affinity among people of all countries, to let all flowers bloom in the big garden of world civilizations.人们常说,世界充满不确定性,明天和意外不知道哪一个先来。中国正以自己的新发展为世界注入强大的确定性。世界将有怎样的未来?让我借用中国诗人艾青的名句,“去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流”。冲突冷战的阴霾不会持久,人类发展的春潮正在勃发。让我们团结再出发,一起向未来,在推动构建人类命运共同体的新征程上阔步前行!People often say that in a world full of uncertainties, you never know which comes first, tomorrow or accidents. China provides strong certainty for the world with its new development. But if you ask me, what is the future of the world? I’d like to answer by quoting Chinese poet Ai Qing, “Go ask the defrosting land, go ask the thawing river.” The shadow of conflicts and the Cold War will not linger, and the spring of development is blooming. Let us join hands for a shared future, and forge ahead together on the new journey toward a community with a shared future for mankind.最后我衷心祝贺本次中国发展高层论坛取得圆满成功,也欢迎在座的各界朋友们能够多到中国走一走、看一看,“去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流”。To conclude, let me extend my heartfelt congratulations on a successful CDF, and welcome all friends here today to visit more places in China and more often in the future, to “go ask the defrosting land, and go ask the thawing river.”