
来源:未知  时间:2024-05-30

Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO,


on the occasion of International Arts Education Week


20-26 May 2024



In an increasingly fragmented world, art acts as a bridge between cultures and minds, encouraging us to transcend our differences. A universal vehicle for dialogue, it brings individuals and societies closer together, inviting them to reach out to each other and to other places.




In celebrating International Arts Education Week, UNESCO reaffirms its commitment to deliver on its mandate to promote education in and through the arts.




Thanks to its transformative power, art has a vital role to play in education, from a very young age and throughout life. Although the teaching of arts is an integral part of school curricula in the vast majority of countries, it is all too often fragmented between subjects, on the fringes of education.




The development of skills through arts education – creativity, cooperation and problem-solving – helps students to perform better at school and improves their mental health. Better still, this nurtures the awareness of cultural diversity, strengthens freedom of expression and thus contributes to building peaceful and prosperous societies.




This is why, in the light of the digital transformations in our societies, the Ministers of Culture and Education of our Member States adopted the new UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education at the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, last February.




This new framework drew on contributions from over 2,300 stakeholders worldwide. Designed to provide guidance, it has two aims: to shape a new ecosystem for artistic and cultural education, and to progress in this area even further.




On the occasion of International Arts Education Week, UNESCO calls upon governments, institutions and businesses to mobilize and place culture and arts education at the centre of their concerns in order to build peace.




As the great British violinist Yehudi Menuhin once said, “only with a creative formation that does not remove any gift from the child but on the contrary civilizes him, can we together create a society that dominates and absorbs its violence.”

