CNN: 亚洲巨型大黄蜂入侵美国 被叮咬或会危及生命
来源:未知 时间:2020-07-15
Which of these insects would you find in the family vespidae? Hornet, honey bee, firefly or mantis? Vespidae includes insects like yellow jackets and hornets.
Next up, Asian Giant Murder Hornets. Sounds like an old school horror movie but these insects are real. And for the first time they've been spotted in the United States. Asian giants are the world's largest hornets. They can kill a person with multiple stings. That's why they're known as "murder hornets".
But they're a bigger threat to bees as a few hornets can take out a beehive in a matter of hours. Beekeepers in Washington State say they've seen piles of dead bees. Scientists don't know how Asian hornets got to Washington. Sometimes they hitch a ride on international cargo. Sometimes humans intentionally bring them to other places. Officials in Washington say if you see a giant hornet, call the State Department of Agriculture and don't try to kill it yourself.
1. for the first time 第一次;首次;
For the first time in my career, I was failing.
2. be known as 称为;叫做;
He was known as Mad Shelley partly because of his eccentricity and partly because of his violent temper.
3. take out 干掉;摞倒;
In my neighbourhood, the local crack dealers would have taken him out a long time ago.
4. hitch a ride 搭便车(旅行);搭顺风车;
It's dangerous to hitch a ride in the United States.